Local 2/Hospitality Industry Child & Elder Care Plan
Application Process

Online Application Instructions 

The Child & Elder Care Plan offers a number of different benefits. Before applying, you should review these Benefits to help you select the one that will best meet the needs of your family this next year. Counselors are available in person on Mondays and Wednesdays, as well as by phone and email, to discuss your benefit options and the application process (Contact Us).

To apply for a benefit you need …

  • …to be eligible to receive a benefit. To be eligible, you must work for an employer that contributes to the Child & Elder Care Plan (see List of Participating Employers). You must have worked sufficient hours or shifts to qualify for these benefits. Check with your employer or your Local 2 rep for more details about your hours requirement.
  • … to meet the residence requirement. Benefits are limited to children and relatives who live in the following counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, Placer, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Sonoma, Solano, Stanilaus, and Yolo. Relatives who live elsewhere do not qualify for benefits.
  • … to apply in-person by attending Application Time in July OR by visiting our office on Monday or Wednesday, 8:30 am to 4:45 pm OR on a computer using this website. Go to the HOME page, click on APPLY-MEMBER PAGE on the upper right.
  • … to upload all required documents. The Benefits pages list the required documents for each benefit. Copies of all Forms are available on this website.

Application Timeline

  • Benefits are granted on a yearly basis: the Plan year beings September 1st and runs until the following August 31st. You will need to reapply each year. Because there are a limited number of slots for each benefit, those who apply early are more likely to receive their first choice.
  • Application Time is scheduled in July and August. Each year the specific dates will be publicized through the hotels and on this website. Applications received during Application Time have priority over those that arrive later.
  • If you applied in July or August, a letter, email and text will be sent in September regarding your application status. You can also log on to your member page on the website to check your benefit status.
  • After Application Time in July, the Plan continues to accept applications until May 31st of the following year. Parents of newborns can apply at any time during the year.
  • If you are denied a benefit, you have a right to appeal. Contact our office for details.

Benefit Choices

  • When applying, select a primary and an additional benefit or two additional benefits.
  • Primary benefits: Preschool, School-age, Informal, Elder/Disabled Care.
  • Additional benefits: Newborn, College Prep & Counseling, Youth Program.
  • If you and your spouse/domestic partner are both Local 2 employees, you may each select two benefits as long as you don't choose the same benefit for the same child.
  • Normally your benefit will stop at the end of the Plan year. A benefit may stop early if the family member who receives it no longer qualifies (for example if your child exceeds the age limit). If your benefit terminates before the end of the Plan year, you may apply for a different benefit if there are slots available.
  • For certain benefits, you must submit original receipts before you will be reimbursed. The benefits that require the submission of original receipts are the Preschool benefit, School-Age benefit, and the Youth Program benefit.

Required Documents with Application

  • The Informal Childcare and Elder/Disabled benefits require: 1. Proof that the relative lives in one of the approved counties. 2. Proof of Payment that the outlines the caregiving arrangements that you and your caregiver have agreed upon.
  • Birth or marriage certificates in a foreign language must be translated into English, then verified by a notary public.
  • If you are applying for the same relative as last year, you do not have to submit your relative’s birth or marriage certificate or their social security number again.


  • The benefits you receive from the Plan may be considered taxable by the Internal Revenue Service. Each year you will complete a W-4 form. In January, you will receive a W-2 form that covers just these benefits, to file with your taxes. That W-2 will indicate whether the benefit you got was taxable.

Director – Louise Rush

Program Coordinator –
Chris Rodriguez

Payment Coordinator –
Beatrice Mai

Monday & Wednesday
8:30 AM – 4:45 PM

Telephone NumberPhone
(415) 864-0506


Click for MapVisit Us
247 Golden Gate Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102